LPS Education Foundation
LPS Education Foundation
Our Background
The Livonia Public Schools stands as a lighthouse district, a beacon of excellence offering exceptional educational opportunities to all children and serving as a source of pride for our community. As a premier school system, we promote a passion for learning and a philosophy that puts the needs of children and their education first.
The LPS Education Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization chartered by the State of Michigan in 2004. Our goal is to provide additional financial support to the district for innovative programs and services, so the school system can continue to be a “beacon of excellence” to all those it serves.
Our Mission
The mission of the LPS Education Foundation is to enlarge the resources available to the school district which will foster and expand educational opportunities for programs impacting students by building effective collaborations.
The Foundation offers a powerful and effective vehicle for directing contributions to benefit public education in portions of Livonia and Westland, Michigan.
Our Accomplishments
The Foundation is already at work supporting programs designed to enrich and strengthen our students’ educational experiences.
Through generous contributions by community organizations and businesses, the Foundation has been able to support real world learning at the middle school level, job shadowing opportunities for teachers (K-12), a mathematics tutoring program (H.O.S.T.S.), school supplies and teaching materials, and district-wide professional teacher training in reading, mathematics, writing, and more.
The Foundation’s most significant contribution to date is the creation of a new program to benefit LPS students and draw new families to the community. This program, “The Competitive Edge” college savings program, creates a college savings account for all kindergarten students entering the district and provides college planning information and programs for our new families.
Over $500,000 has already been pledged to this exciting program, which is one of a kind, and has already been featured in the Chicago Tribune, Detroit News and Detroit Free Press.
Our Request
The quality of the education our schools provide will determine our children’s ability to succeed in the workplace, in college…in our changing world. To remain the best, our schools need public and private support.
Whether you are a private citizen, a business, a civic organization, an alumnus, a member of the LPS staff, or a retiree, we encourage you to invest in the future by giving to the LPS Education Foundation.
Decisions on funding are made by the Foundation’s independent Board of Directors. Help give our children the tools to build a better tomorrow.
We appreciate and value your participation. Get involved today!