Physical Education
The core curriculum at each grade level is based on K-12 exit goals. The curriculum includes shared goals spanning all subject areas and specific goals. Our curriculum is designed to prepare students for the 21st century. Our instructional staff continuously align their classroom instruction to the goals of the core curriculum
Student Goals Shared by all Content Areas
All subject areas must provide learning experiences which enable students to:
- Respect self, others, and the environment.
- Communicate effectively.
- Know how to learn and work productively.
- Acquire and process information.
- Use critical and creative thinking to make decisions and solve problems.
- Work and participate independently and cooperatively.
- Acquire a core of understandings and competencies within the content areas.
Physical Education
Physical Education in Livonia Public Schools is aligned with the Michigan Department of Education GLCE's and is divided into the following four main categories; Motor Skills and Movement Patterns, Content Knowledge, Fitness and Physical Activity, and Personal/Social Behaviors and Values.
Motor Skills and Movement Patterns
- In the early grades, we focus on space awareness, effort and relationship concepts as well as locomotor, non - locomotor and manipulative skills. In the upper elementary and middle schools, these skills are applied to specific activities/sports. In the high school, we focus on the proficiency and tactics which prepare students for lifelong physical activities.
Content Knowledge
- For students, knowledge about "why" it is important to be physically active, as well as "how" to be physically active is built upon in our K-12 program.
Fitness and Physical Activity
- Students should understand principles and concepts that support physical activities and develop and maintain personal levels of fitness across all grade levels. Students are encouraged to be active before, during, and after the school day.
Personal/Social Behaviors and Values
- We expose students to encourage them to enjoy and value physical activity and its effect on lifelong health. Developing positive personal social behaviors creates a positive learning environment for all. Positive behaviors include honesty, cooperation, sharing, fair play, responsibility, respect for self and others, and good sportsmanship.