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Facility Use


Thank you for your interest in our Facilities. Outside of regular school hours, many of our buildings and grounds are available for public rental. If you would like information about which space might be the most suitable for your use or have other questions, please contact Katrina Villasenor in our business office at or 734-744-2584.

Register for a New Account

All facility use requests are completed online. The first step needed to make an online facility use request is to create an ML Schedules user account. You can do so by clicking HERE. Be sure to complete all information fields and then click the submit button. If your registration was successful, you will receive an e-mail confirmation.

The links below will provide additional information if needed:



Log in and Reserve Spaces

Once your account is created you can start making facility reservation requests using ML Schedules. Click HERE to reach the Log In screen.

The links below will provide additional information if needed:



Facility Use General Guidelines

  1. School groups and programs are given priority usage of all District facilities.  The district reserves the right to cancel any permits for school use, should a conflict with school groups or programs develop.

  2. On days when school is cancelled or dismissed early because of unexpected circumstances (i.e. severe weather), all activities are cancelled.

  3. Applications will not be processed without all completed information, including the certificate of insurance. The School District requires all non-school groups to furnish a Certificate of Insurance ($1,000,000 minimum liability coverage) that lists Livonia Public Schools as “Additional Insured.”

  4. Users will be billed in accordance with the schedule of usage fee or rental charges. All checks should be made payable to Livonia Public Schools. Do not pay the staff member directly.  Click HERE for the Facilities Use Fee Schedule.

  5. The group using school facilities is responsible for providing adequate supervision of the activity. The user is not permitted to enter into any area other than those areas identified in the reservation.

  6. Organizations and groups using school facilities must designate one adult member of its group to be in charge of and responsible for the program or activity at the time application for use of the facilities is made.

  7. Smoking, use of tobacco products and/or illegal drugs and alcohol is prohibited on all school property (indoor or outdoor). If this provision is violated, the renting organization will be denied the privilege of any further rentals.

  8. No organized groups are permitted to use the School District’s facilities without prior approval.