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Department Information


Transportation Information

If your child will require and is eligible for bus transportation for the 2024-2025 school year, please follow the instructions below to make that request in Parent Connect BY JULY 31, 2024.

If your child has transportation via an IEP, you do not need to register, as those arrangements will be made separately for your child. 

Livonia Public Schools provide bus service for students who live more than 1.0 mile from school (grades K-6) and more than 1.5 miles for grades 7-12, as determined by the district’s routing software mapping system. 

If you are unsure if your child is eligible for transportation, please email


1. Log into Parent Connect (you may access from the LPS website, under the Parents tab or via your school website’s Parents tab). This process is most easily completed on a computer, rather than on a cell phone.

2. Once you are logged in, click on the “Back to School Checklist” red link at the top of the screen. 

3. From there, click on the “Update Information” button next to the “Updates Incomplete” message that appears in red. 

4. Click on “Transportation,” then select “Yes” from the mini-dropdown menu in the center of the screen. 

5. Click on “Updates Complete” and then “Return to main menu” at the top left. Your request will automatically be submitted to our Transportation Department. Routes will be posted in late August in Parent Connect, under the Transportation section.


For students in the following programs, parents must submit the form via the link below, to request transportation. 
* Students enrolled in ACAT at Webster; MACAT at Frost Middle School; or MSC or CAPA at Churchill High School. 

Please CLICK ON THIS FORM TO REQUEST TRANSPORTATION for ACAT, MACAT, MSC or CAPA. Please fill out one form per student. 


CLICK HERE to email the Transportation Department

Department Head:
Vicky Semonick, Transportation Supervisor

Department Phone Number:
Business hours: 6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Emergencies only: 4:00-5:00 p.m.

Other Department Staff:
Ross Robert, Garage Supervisor

Kelly Suokas, Secretary

Vikki LaFave, Router/Dispatcher

Holly Larkin, Dispatcher

Jack Gershon, Dispatcher