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The Middle School Alternative Classrooms for the Academically Talented (MACAT) Program is the Livonia Public Schools middle school program designed for students of high ability and high achievement in all academic areas.

The MACAT curriculum consists of classes in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. As a part of the Frost student body, MACAT students take elective classes and participate in all school activities. The process for entering the MACAT Program begins with the grade level testing that every LPS 6th grade student participates in. Based on the results of these tests, letters are sent to parents to inform them of the opportunity to have their son or daughter considered for the MACAT Program for 7th grade. A selection committee comprised of teachers and administrators then selects the MACAT students for the fall of 7th grade from the students who have returned the nomination materials.

MACAT is also open to students who are not currently attending LPS schools but who live in the LPS School District.

MACAT Application Form


Mike Vasich, MACAT Facilitator

734-744-2670 ext. 37967