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Elementary Programs

Welcome to our Elementary Programs. We have information on each program available on their respective pages, which can be found below or on the navigation menu.

Young Fives Kindergarten

Young Fives Kindergarten is a full-day program that offers children who are currently four years old and will turn age five between July 1st and December 1st, the chance to develop school readiness skills

Click here to learn more about Young Fives Kindergarten

School Age Child Care

SACC provides caring adult supervision for students in grades kindergarten through sixth grade, along with a variety of positive experiences during before and after school hours. The program is open to all Livonia Public Schools' students, as space allows.

Click here to learn more about the sacc program

Project Lead The Way (PLTW)

Project Lead the Way (PLTW) is a STEM education program for grades Pre K-12.

Click here to learn more about PLTW

Niji-Iro Japanese Immersion Elementary School

In the heart of the Livonia Public School district is the Japanese Magnet School, Niji-Iro Japanese Immersion Elementary School.  The school provides a unique educational opportunity, which focuses on a two-way immersion program for both Japanese and American students.  The mission of the school is to provide students the opportunity to be immersed in a second language, while learning from each other and celebrating both the American and Japanese culture.  The students will become bilingual, respectful and globally-minded individuals. 

Niji-Iro Elementary is a tuition-free magnet school, part of the Livonia Public School District and enrolls children throughout southeastern Michigan. Students who enroll in Niji-Iro are considered part of the Livonia Public Schools District, regardless of where they currently reside.

Niji-Iro Japanese Immersion Elementary School is grounded in the Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency (CALP) and Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills (BIC) models in order to effectively implement a two-way immersion program. Teachers artfully combine the Common Core Standards, Michigan GLCEs and Japanese standards into their daily teaching. The school has a defined ESL (English as a Second Language) program and JSL (Japanese as a Second Language) program to support the goal.  It is important that our students become bilingual as well as develop an appreciation for both the Japanese and American cultures.



にじいろ小学校は対人関係コミュニケーション能力(BICS)のみならず、教科学習言語能力(CALP)を効率的に伸ばすために双方向イマ―ジョンプログラムを採用しています。教員はコモンコア(Common Core Standards)、ミシガン州の指導要領(Michigan GLCEs)、および文部科学省の学習指導要領の最良の部分を組み合わせ、日々の授業を創りあげています。また、ESL(English as a Second Language)およびJSL(Japanese as a Second Language) の時間もあり、全ての児童が目標を達成できるようサポートしています。本校の児童は、バイリンガルになるだけではなく、日本文化、アメリカ文化を尊重する態度を身につけることができます。