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WIDA Information

In November 2012, Michigan adopted the WIDA standards for English Language Learners. The WIDA is given to students every Spring in February and March. The WIDA assesses student language skills in Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking. Within each of those domains, students may be asked to use the language of Math, Science, Literature, and Social Studies. 

The Reading domain consists of reading several passages and answering multiple choice questions.  The Listening domain requires students to listen to information and then choose answers to multiple choice questions based on what they heard.  The Speaking domain requires students to listen to information and then speak their responses into a microphone headset.  Students are expected to talk in complete sentences and give detailed explanations.  The Writing domain requires students to provide well-written responses to short answer and longer essay questions.  Essay questions can involve explaining a process or giving information (such as explaining a life cycle), comparing and contrasting (for example, comparing lives of other children to their own), or persuading and giving reasons (for example, why students should vote for a particular choice).

In order to exit the EL Program, in 2021 students were required to attain a score of 4.8 or higher overall.

These pages will help you understand what the scores mean in each domain of the WIDA:
Performance Levels for 1st-12th grades
Performance Levels for Kindergarten

More information about the WIDA can be found in the links below:
WIDA Can-Do Descriptors

WIDA Access Assessment

Sample WIDA Test and Practice Items

WIDA Scoring Information