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Secondary Programs

Welcome to our Secondary Programs. We have information on each program available on their respective pages, which can be found below or on the navigation menu.

Creative and Performing Arts

CAPA is the Creative and Performing Arts program of Livonia Public Schools. All LPS high school students who have an interest in the performing arts are welcome to audition for CAPA.

Click here to learn more about CAPA

Math Science & Computers

The Livonia Public Schools Math/Science/Computer Program (MSC), located at Churchill High School, is a four-year program. The MSC Program has the purpose of providing a 9th-12th grade math/science/computer science concentration to students who have a high level of achievement and interest in the areas of math and science.

Click here to learn more about MSC

Global Education

Global Education is a high school magnet program housed at Stevenson High School. The interdisciplinary approach used in the School of Global Education promotes better understanding of both the past and the present world and offers guideposts to the future.

Click here to learn more about Global Education

Livonia Career Technical Center

The Livonia Career Technical Center (LCTC) offers career-focused programming in areas such as medical, construction trades, automotive, criminal justice, hospitality management, fashion merchandising, video game design, graphic design, computer networking, architecture and more.

Click here to learn more about LCTC

Career Intern Program

Livonia Public Schools offers professional internship opportunities for high school seniors attending Churchill, Franklin, and Stevenson High Schools. These Internship Programs include The Career Intern Program (CIP) and Skilled Trades Intern Program.

High school elective credit is granted to those students selected to participate in these programs. In some cases, college credit and advanced admission into college programs are received.

Click here to learn more about the Career Intern Program

Testing Out

Students who feel they already possess a mastery of the subject area content expectations associated with an LPS required course before they even take the required course, may request to ‘test out’ from having to take the LPS required course.

Click here to learn more about testing out

Personal Curriculum Option

A Personal Curriculum Plan may be developed for a student whose graduation requirements are modified in accordance with the state-mandated Michigan Merit Curriculum. For example, the VPAA requirement can be modified through the Personal Curriculum Plan for a student who takes additional credit(s) beyond the required credits in English Language Arts, Math, Science, or World Language, or if the student completes a CTE Program. High school counselors can provide additional information and clarification on this topic.

Dual Enrollment Options

High school students may take college courses while in high school, through a Dual Enrollment program. Please contact your student's high school counselor for program information.