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Student Assistance Program


Livonia Public Schools would like you to know that a Student Assistance Program is established in each high school triad. The primary purpose of the program is to provide information and support to students who are in crisis or have ongoing problems which put them at risk for failure. In addition, the Student Assistance Provider (SAP) works closely with parents and community agencies in making referrals that can further support students and their families. Services are available to all students and include:

  • Individual support
  • Group Support through "Educational Support Groups"
    • Generally time-limited and meet on a weekly basis for 8-10 weeks.
    • Topics focus on a range of adolescent issues including: peer and family relationships, substance abuse, grief & loss, goal setting, health and school survival.
  • Student can be referred by a SAP, parent, school staff, peer or by self.
  • Participation is volutary, but students will be encouraged to participate if referred.

Please contact the SAP at your school for more information or with further questions.


Ms. Angela Frank

Franklin High School

Phone: 734-744-2655 x47920




Mrs. Tracey Hammaren

Stevenson High School

Phone: 734-744-2660  x48920




Ms. Carie Vella

Churchill High School

Phone: 734-744-2650  x46920




Mrs. Christy Deskovitz

Frost Middle School  

Phone: (734) 744-2670 x 37920




Mrs. Shannon Matuska

Emerson Middle School

Phone: (734) 744-2665 x 79759 




Mr. Rick Dubay

Holmes Middle School

Phone: (734) 744-2675 x 38920


Welcome to the Livonia Public Schools Student Assistance Provider (SAP) Website. We have included many resources useful to families and educators to help our students who may need specific types of support. If, for any reason, you are unable to read or access the contents and would like assistance, please call (734) 744- 2660, extension 48920. We look forward to assisting you!
Any questions/concerns about information provided on this website, please direct to Emily Goslow: