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Student Assistance Program

Livonia Public Schools is pleased to offer a Student Assistance Program in each secondary building. This program is designed to provide students with support and resources during times of crisis or when ongoing challenges put them at risk of academic or personal difficulties.  The Student Assistance Provider (SAP) plays a key role in working with students, parents, and community organizations to ensure appropriate referrals and support for both students and their families. 

Services available through the SAP include:

  • Individual support
  • Restorative practices
  • Group Support through "Psychoeducational Support Groups"
    • Meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis
    • Topics focus on a range of adolescent issues including: relationship building, substance abuse/vaping, grief & loss, social skills, and school success.
  • Student can be referred by the SAP, parent, school staff, peer or self.
  • Participation is voluntary, but students will be encouraged to participate if referred.

Please contact the SAP at your school for more information or with further questions.

News & Announcements

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Carie Vella,


Angela Frank,


Stephanie Manske,


Christy Deskovitz,



Shannon Matuska,



Rick DuBay
